
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Tutoring

Online education platforms have grown in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many parents have embraced online tutors since they were unable to employ in-person tutors during the lockdown.

Since then, many have discovered that online learning can offer many benefits. Here are some frequently asked questions about online tutoring:

What Do You Need to Access Online Tutoring?

To access online tutoring, students need a desktop computer or laptop with a webcam and microphone. Cell phones and tablets can also be utilized, but smaller screens may be a challenge. Any device will require a high-speed and dependable internet connection for the video conferencing application and whiteboard to function efficiently. Students can use microphone-equipped headphones to enhance audio quality during the session.

How Effective Is Virtual Tutoring?

Like in-person tutoring, virtual tutoring provides students with an engaging learning atmosphere. Students have access to qualified tutors and various learning materials across a variety of subjects. Students with disabilities who may require accommodations can take advantage of the flexibility of virtual tutoring to be on par with their peers.

How Qualified Are Online Tutors?

Tutors have diverse professional qualifications, from bachelor’s to master’s degrees in education, mathematics, English, or other subjects. Some tutors may be certified in specialized education programs such as Wilson’s Reading System, Orton Gillingham, or Writing Revolution. Tutoring sites often list each tutor’s qualifications on their individual profiles for parents to view. 

How Does the Student Interact With an Online Tutor?

Tutor’s computers are also equipped with a webcam and microphone that allows the student to see and hear them. A tutor’s face will appear on the screen, making personal, one-on-one interaction possible.

Many online tutoring programs feature virtual whiteboards, support document uploads, or allow screen-sharing. Tutors and students can write and mark on the whiteboard space to review grammar and math equations or practice other skills together. Anything added to the whiteboard is visible to both parties. This makes it simple to emphasize key ideas and provide targeted answers to questions.

What Virtual Tutoring Options Are Available for Learners?

Online tutoring platforms often provide students with the option to schedule individual or group learning sessions. Individual online coaching provides flexible scheduling, personalized assistance with tasks or courses, and customized lessons. For students who work better in groups, tutors can work with two to six students at a time who are learning the same subject and belong to the same age group. Group tutoring offers all the advantages of a one-on-one session but has the added benefit of virtual socialization. The teaching strategies and resources used in either session type can be adjusted to suit the needs of the participants. 

Why Use Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring offers students and parents convenience and flexibility. For students with hectic schedules or without easy access to in-person tutoring, online sessions can be accessed anywhere at any time, provided there is a stable internet connection. Online coaching may also offer the convenience of reviewing past sessions. Students may be able to record sessions, take virtual notes, and save whiteboards for reference later. 

Find a Qualified Online Tutor Today!

With online tutoring platforms, you can find a tutor that best suits your child’s needs. Tutors are available in most subjects, may specialize in certain age groups, or offer special services for speech and language or college admissions. Set your student on a path to academic success by connecting with a qualified tutor today.

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